Who wears body armor?

Most people think that only Law Enforcement Officers, and people in the military wear body armor. There are many more professions that use body armor on a daily basis.

The FBI’s Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) statistics show that from 1987 though 2015, more than 70,000 offices were assaulted with firearms. 92% of all felonious deaths of officers in the line of duty were due to firearms. Body armor is a critical piece of safety equipment for officers’ personal protection.

Do you ever think about other responders on the scene? In most circumstances police officers’ are called to first declare a situation safe for firefighters and medics. When seconds count in a life or death situation, it is unreasonable to expect them to wait. Whenever attacks and injuries are likely to occur, body armor should be used. More and more firefighters and EMT units are equipped with body armor.

Security is considered a high-risk occupation by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. It has a workplace violence rate that is twice the national average. Private security personnel suffer approximately 71,000 incidents of nonfatal on duty violence and about 76 workplace homicides annually. Wearing body armor will give a better chance of survival in an incident during these challenging times.

Wearing body armor while hunting can be multi-purpose. It can protect you from an errant round, pieces of a shrapnel, punctures from animal attacks and can keep you warm in winter hunting season.

All too often we hear of accounts of the risk that our government officials, judges, attorneys, bank employees, executives, teachers, and students face on a daily basis. Having body armor protection can give you the confidence to go about your daily life.

Caliber Armor’s multitude of body armor options has something for everyone. Our CaliberX™ Soft Armor is covert and can be worn under clothing. We also offer tactical body armor protection up to a Level IV. Shop our products.

Has your body armor been shot or damaged? 

Replace body armor immediately if it is shot or otherwise damaged in any way! 

If your body armor has been struck by a bullet, damaged by a TASER® device or come in contact with an Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) device in a duty-related assault, Caliber Armor will replace it free of charge provided official documentation on departmental stationery detailing the incident is provided to Caliber Armor within 30 days of incident occurrence. 

Do I need to replace my body Armor?

Has your insert been excessively used or worn?  

If your ballistic insert shows signs of wear, has been cleaned a number of times, or otherwise excessively used…regardless of its age…it will no longer be subject to any warranties and should be replaced. 

Has your insert been damaged in any way? 

If your insert has been dropped…even if there is no apparent external damage…there may be internal cracks in the ceramic material that can compromise the plate’s ability to defeat ballistic threats. Replace your ballistic insert immediately if it has been struck by a bullet, projectile or otherwise hit or dropped, stabbed or is chipped, cracked delaminated or separated, or shows any other physical change. Any of the foregoing may cause the ballistic insert to be ineffective, exposing the user to increased rick of serious injury or death. 

Does your plate still fit properly? 

If your body size has changed significantly since your purchase, you should consider replacing it with a size that fits properly allowing maximum protection and wearability. 

Have the threats you now face changed over time? 

For maximum protection, you should consider upgrading your body armor if there are noticeably higher-powered weapons being confiscated in your area since you purchased your ballistic insert. 

Has your service weapon or ammunition changed?

The armor you wear should be capable of defeating the ammunition you carry. 

Has your agency/organization upgraded its body armor standards to meet new threats?

In 2008, the National Institute of Justice updated their body armor standards to NIJ 0101.06. Only the NIJ Standard-0101.06 includes durability testing against temperature extremes and drop impact. Procurement of armor to earlier standards is not recommended and can result in reduced long-term performance compared to NIJ Stnadard-0101.06 plates of the same threat level.